We understand death occurs at any time, day or night feel free to contact us on (03) 539 0066.
Burial or Cremation
Often the deceased will have made this decision and their wishes are usually followed.
Sometimes you – the family – have to choose, and Simplicity Funerals can help take care of this, whatever your choice.
Burial was common in the past – and many still prefer this option.
The family has a grave they can visit and remember the person who has passed. You will need to buy a burial plot, pay an interment fee, and usually buy a memorial or headstone.
Burials are normally limited to official cemeteries or Maori burial grounds and there may be specific size requirements for the memorial or headstone.
With cremation, there is no restriction on specific burial places.
Ashes can be buried or scattered, and a memorial or plaque can be a focal point for the family. After the cremation process, Simplicity Funerals will collect the ashes. They are usually available for you to collect from them within 48 hours. We also offers an attractive range of urns.
Sometimes embalming is needed to ensure sanitation and preservation in the lead up to the funeral.
If there is a delay or the body has to be transferred to another city or country, embalming is mandatory.
Experienced, qualified staff carry out the embalming process and the body is treated with utmost respect and dignity at all times.
The Service
Simplicity Funerals can make all the arrangements for the service and ensure it flows smoothly.
You should choose a ceremony that suits you and your family, and we can tell you about the available choices.
The caring professionals at Simplicity Funerals will meet with clergy and celebrants, doctors and hospitals, government departments, coroners and other officials, crematoriums and cemetery authorities.
You don’t have to worry.
Music and musicians, newspaper notices, vehicles, family flowers, audio or DVD recording, placement of ashes and memorials – anything you require...
All can be arranged by Simplicity Funerals.
Writing a Eulogy
- How do you sum up a life?
- Stories can be told... Memories recalled...
- Maybe start with a poem or reading?
- Milestones can be wonderful...
- Birth... Marriage... Moves and changes of career...
- Birthplace, school, where they lived – these are all important.
A eulogy should call to mind special memories. It’s important to talk about this special person, their interests, achievements and family life.
Tell stories... Share fun times – even the naughty things! Some people may feel they can’t speak – but have things to say.
Check if they want to offer some words or a precious memory. It’s sometimes a good idea to show photos or treasured objects from a person’s life at the funeral service or play a special piece of music to help symbolise a loved one's life.
We can arrange for any music or musician required, such as an organist, piper, or soloist to play at the funeral service.
Knowing what to do with your loved one’s ashes can be a dilemma for many. We can advise and assist with the many options available, from scattering at sea, in a garden, in a cemetery, burial in a public garden, or a cemetery or even interring them in memorial gardens. We can also offer some nice options for Urns or Scatter Tubes along with our Keepsake Jewellery.
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