Category: News

Steps to self-care when someone you love has committed suicide

Steps to self-care when someone you love has committed suicide

Death by suicide is devastating for the people who loved the deceased – it is sudden, unexpected and a tragedy. The loss of a life, the loss of a person overcome by social and psychological circumstances is a disaster often brought about by situations outside one’s control, leaving young people, parents, grandparents, friends and their […]

Loss & Grief

Loss & Grief

When we hear the word grief, we often make the immediate link with death. But there are many circumstances in our day to day life that create grief: When you are grieving, you can help yourself by: Download our Loss & Grief Self Care Factsheet here. GET SUPPORT

The Do’s and Don’ts of communicating with a grieving person

The Do’s and Don’ts of communicating with a grieving person

It can be hard to know how to respond when someone you care about is grieving. There is no easy “fix” for grief, and the process cannot be sped up – it will take as long as it takes. If you’re supporting someone through grief, just take things at their pace. As a supporting person, starting […]

How our Thoughts Govern what we feel

How our Thoughts Govern what we feel

We have between 5,000 and 60,000 thoughts every day. Left unguarded, thoughts can create a myriad of mental, emotional and physical conditions. Left unguarded, our thoughts can make it very difficult to move forward in life, especially after experiencing a significant loss. It is therefore beneficial to understand how thoughts work, how thoughts impact on […]

Positive Ageing; an Oxymoron?

Positive Ageing; an Oxymoron?

We attended the Positive Aging Expo last weekend, and were impressed with the number and variety of groups and agencies represented. It’s a catchy title – ‘Positive Ageing’. It captures the opportunities available to people despite reaching and surpassing their SuperGold card eligibility date; places to live, places to go, activities to do, groups to […]

Can you put the “fun” in “funeral”?

Can you put the “fun” in “funeral”?

This is one of those “Frequently Asked Questions” or FAQs. The answer is very simple, and at the same time, very complex. Here it is: “Well, Yes and No”. An alternative answer, equally as helpful, is, “It all depends…” So, there you have it. But depends on what, on tradition? Tradition says No; funerals are […]

Financial Loss, Grief & Resilience

Financial Loss, Grief & Resilience

Financial loss is not only about money You may wonder if people can actually experience grief over losing their job and their income, or losing money or assets from a bad investment, or a business collapse. The truth is that we grieve over any kind of loss. Because we are accustomed to think of grief […]

Valentine’s Day and Grief

Valentine’s Day and Grief

As the first Valentine’s Day after the death of your loved partner nears, it can seem like an insurmountable and depressing holiday. for people who are grieving, most holidays can be stressful times and Valentine’s Day certainly can be a bit more difficult than the others. With its focus on sharing our special memories with […]

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